Baptism is the foundation of a new life in Christ regardless of whether this sacrament is performed early in life, or later on as an adult. Through this sacrament, we commit to following Jesus, trusting in his grace, truth, and love.
In baptism, candidates make vows to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour and to follow him as Lord. When an infant or young child is baptized, parents, sponsors, or godparents make these vows on their behalf, promising to raise the child in the Christian faith through prayer, guidance, and example.
We love celebrating baptisms at St. Thomas! If you are considering baptism for yourself or your child, we invite you to join us for a Sunday worship service. After the service, our clergy would be happy to discuss the baptism process with you.
Congratulations on your engagement!
St. Thomas is delighted to welcome couples seeking a Christian marriage. You do not need to be a member of the congregation to be married here, but the Anglican Church requires marriage preparation classes. Additionally, a minimum of 90 days’ notice is required for weddings at St. Thomas.
As marriage is a sacrament of the Church, our clergy will guide you through the planning process to ensure your ceremony reflects the beauty and meaning of this sacred commitment.
To learn more or begin planning your wedding, we invite you to join us for a Sunday service and speak with Rev. Chelsy after worship. You can also contact the church office for inquiries.
In times of loss, the Church is called to stand with those who mourn, offering comfort, support, and hope. At St. Thomas, we are here to walk with you as you give thanks for your loved one’s life and commend them to God’s care.
Our clergy and community are ready to support you in planning a funeral or memorial service that reflects your loved one’s life and faith.
For more information about funeral services at St. Thomas, please contact the church office.