Regardless of whether this sacrament is performed early in life, or later on as an adult, the Anglican Church views baptism as the very foundation of the commitment to a new life through Christ. During baptism, the person receiving the sacrament vows to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour; to trust in his grace, truth, and love, and to follow and obey him as their Lord.
If a candidate is an infant or young child, who is unable to answer for themselves, these vows are made by their parents, sponsors, or godparents. These people promise to raise the child in the Christian faith and support them through prayer and example.
We love baptisms at St. Thomas! If you are considering baptism for yourself or for your child, please join us on a Sunday morning for a worship service. At the end of service, our clergy would be glad to discuss with you the process involved.
Congratulations on your engagment!!
St. Thomas is thrilled to welcome requests for Christian marriage. Those seeking to be married do not need to be members of the congregation but the Anglican Church requires marriage preparation classes to be taken and the Cathedral requires a minimum of 90 days notice for any marriage taking place at St. Thomas.
As marriage is a sacrament of the church, the clergy at St. Thomas necessarily need to be part of marriage ceremony planning for any marriages taking place here. For more information about weddings at St. Thomas or to book your marriage ceremony, please feel free to join us on a Sunday and speak to Rev. Chelsy after the service. You can also inquire about weddings here by calling the church office.
One of the most important callings of the Church is to stand with our brothers, sisters, and neighbours who mourn as they give thanks to God for the life of their loved one, and commend their soul to God.
St. Thomas stands ready to journey with you in this difficult and challenging time.
To learn more about funeral customs at St. Thomas, please contact the church office.