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Children at St. Thomas

Children are welcome at St. Thomas! 

Planning on bringing your family to in-person church?  That's wonderful!  We believe that children remember how they felt in community.  We endeavour to ensure that children and their families feel like they are at home when they come to church!  We offer a Sunday school program at St. Thomas that uses the Sparkhouse Digital Sunday school curriculum.  We have a dedicated group of volunteers who have received training and clearance to lead this ministry.

What to expect:

Upon arrival at St. Thomas church families are invited to find a seat for worship.  After the gathering of the community and before the readings, children are invited to the front for a children's talk with the priest.  Immediately after the children's talk our Sunday school volunteers will take the kiddos to the Teape Room, located directly behind the church, for a time of story and activity while the "big kids" in the church  hear the readings, sermon, and participate in the Creed and confession.  Right before the Eucharist the Sunday school crew is invited to join us for communion and the remainder of the service.  Parents are welcome to help with Sunday school if their little ones aren't comfortable being in Sunday school by themselves.  If your kiddo isn't comfortable going to Sunday school at all, that is absolutely fine, we have colouring books and crayons should they need something to keep them busy while staying close to mom and dad.

We offer family focused services throughout the year.  At these services we incorporate the children in leading the service by way of reading the scripture passages (usually from a Children's Bible Translation), leading the prayers and helping the priest to bless communion.

We also offer many Family Events throughout the year.  From tobogganing to Good Friday Children's Walks and Easter Egg Hunts to Pumpkin Carving and Happy Birthday Jesus Christmas Services.

You are warmly invited to join us for any or all of these worship opportunities.  Please contact the office for more informaiotn or keep an eye on this website regarding upcoming Children's and Family Events.  We look forward to welcoming you!