Colchester Cemetery
A peaceful resting place

St. Thomas has the great privilege of maintaining the operations and maintenence of the Colchester Cemetery, a small country cemetery located in Strathcona County.  Under the direction and leadership of the Colchester Cemetery Committee consisting of parishioners and neighbours the Colchester Cemetery cleaned up and "brought back to life."

We are honoured to be able to support the work of the Colchester Cemetery Committee and to be able to witness it's ministry to families in a time of need and sorrow.

If you are interested in learning more about the History of the Colchester Cemetery or if you would like more informaiton please click the button below.


Colchester Cemetery
Refugee Committee
40 Years of Refugee Sponsorship

We have sponsored refugees for forty years at St. Thomas.  Due to Covid our meetings have been put on hold, however, we have been able to make decisions by e-mail and individuals have carried out support and kindness to individual families. If you want to receive e-mails about refugee work, or be involved, please contact the church office. They will then connect you with the Committee.


Refugee Committee Update
PrayerWorks Common

A team called The CONNECTion Crew volunteers to serve a hot breakfast on the fourth Saturday of each month from September to April at St. Faith’s Anglican Church (11725-93 Street NW). Comprised of kitchen and serving teams, these volunteers provide hot meals, music, conversation, and friendship.

What is PrayerWorks Common?

With the help of diverse volunteer teams, St. Faith's Anglican Church in the Alberta Avenue area, provides hot meals, pastoral support and community events for those in the neighbourhood who face various forms of marginalization: being underhoused or unhoused - homeless, living with physical or cognitive disabilities, addiction issues, mental illness or the loneliness of old age.

PrayerWorks community meals are offered free to any who wish to attend, providing healthy meals, fellowship and good conversation.

We get pulled in so many directions these days, have busy lives, and often struggle to find where and how we want to help. If you are interested in this opportunity to serve or would like more information, please contact our CONNECTion Crew Coordinator, Caitlin Havens at 780-467-5730 or We would be honoured if you joined us…one month or many. 

‘Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you fulfill the law of Christ.’ – Galations 6:2


PrayerWorks Common