Lent and Easter 2025

The word "Lent" comes from an old English word for "lengthen," and refers to the lengthening of those long anticipated days of spring. With both the cross and the empty tomb approaching, the church prepares itself with forty days of fasting and reflection, all the for the sake of more fully celebrating Easter's song of spring when it comes.  As we journey through the season of Lent and celebrate the joy of Easter, we invite you to join us for meaningful worship and reflection at St. Thomas.  


Whether you're new to the church or a long-time member, we welcome you to participate in this season of spiritual growth and celebration. Come, be a part of our community as we walk through Lent and rejoice in the resurrection of Christ this Easter!


For details regarding upcoming events and services please scroll down.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Tuesday, March 4 @ 5pm - 7pm

Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Shrove Tuesday was the last opportunity to use up eggs and fats in the household before embarking on the Lenten fast and pancakes are the perfect way of using up these ingredients.

In preparation for the season of Lent our men's group "The Senators" are hosting our Pancake Supper again this year.

You are warmly welcome and invited to join us on Tuesday, March 4th from 5 - 7pm for Pancakes and Sausages!!

A Free will offering will be collected to help offset the cost of supplies!

Invite your friends! All are welcome!

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 5 @ 1pm and 7pm

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. Lent is the forty days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter. The number forty is significant as it refers to Jesus’ forty days in the desert prior to beginning his ministry of teaching.
On Ash Wednesday, Anglicans and other Christian denominations receive ashes in the shape of a cross on their forehead. They remind us of our own mortality. During the service, as the priest applies the ashes, they say “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” Anyone who attends a service on Ash Wednesday can receive ashes if they wish.

Join us on Wednesday, March 4 @ 1pm and 7pm for an Ash Wednesday Service which will include the Imposition of Ashes.

**Please Note: Our 1:00pm service is IN PERSON only.  7:00pm service will be in person and live-streamed.

Practicing Lament
2025 Lenten Study

During this Lenten season, we will gather together to explore the book "Practicing Lament" by Rebekah Eklund, a book that guides us through the biblical practice of lament. Lament is a raw, honest prayer in the face of suffering, expressing a longing for God’s kingdom, justice, and peace to prevail. It is a prayer of hope, refusing to accept things as they are and yearning for God's fullness to come.

We will meet Wednesday evenings in Lent March 12 - April 9th from 7:00 - 8:30pm.  If you would like to attend and please sign up in the church foyer or call the office by Wednesday, March 5th.  Books can be purchased from the office for $25 after March 6th.

All are welcome. 

Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 13 @ 8:00am and 10:00am

Christians celebrate Palm Sunday the week before Easter, remembering when Jesus entered Jerusalem to cheers and praise. It gets its name because people in the city spread palm branches on the road as a way of honoring him as their king.

For most of his ministry, Jesus avoided the spotlight, sometimes even telling those he healed to keep quiet. But on Palm Sunday, his followers openly celebrated him, shouting his praises for all to hear.

Today, churches often mark the occasion with joyful worship. Some display palm branches in the sanctuary, while others bring the story to life by leading a real donkey through town, waving palm fronds as a public reminder of Jesus’ arrival.

We invite you to join us for worship on Palm Sunday, April 13 at 8:00am and 10:00am  as we remember this powerful moment in Jesus’ journey. Come wave palms, sing praises, and celebrate the hope and promise of Christ’s love.

Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 17 @ 7pm

The night before Jesus was crucified, he shared a Passover meal with his disciples. (Passover is a Jewish holiday celebrating how God freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.) After the meal, knowing this was his last chance to teach his disciples before his death, Jesus spoke to them about his mission, how they should live as his followers, and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Then, in an incredible act of humility, he washed their feet. Finally, he shared bread and wine with them, asking them to do the same in remembrance of him—what we now call Communion or the Last Supper.

The name "Maundy" (pronounced MAWN-dee) comes from the Latin word mandatum, meaning "command." It refers to the command Jesus gave that night:

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, just as I have loved you; that you also love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:34–35)

To follow Jesus’ example, many churches hold foot-washing services on Maundy Thursday, remembering his call to love and serve one another.

We invite you to join us for our Maundy Thursday service on April 17, 2025, at 7:00 PM as we remember the Last Supper, Jesus’ command to love, and his humble act of service. Come and experience this meaningful time of worship, reflection, and Communion.

Good Friday Children's Walk
Friday, April 18 @ 10am

All are welcome to join us on Good Friday morning, April 18 @ 10am as we journey through the story of Jesus’ crucifixion in an interactive and child-friendly way. Through hands-on props, engaging storytelling, and movement from station to station, we will experience and reflect on the events of Good Friday. This time together will help us acknowledge both the sorrow of Jesus’ sacrifice and the incredible gift of his love.

While this experience is designed with children in mind, people of all ages are welcome to participate!

Good Friday
Friday, April 18 @ 1:00pm

Good Friday—the Friday before Easter—is the day Christians remember Jesus’ crucifixion. The name might seem strange since it’s not a happy day, but it reminds us that because of what Jesus did, we can be made right with God. By taking the weight of human sin upon himself, Jesus paid the price so that we could be seen as "good" in God’s eyes.

Good Friday is a somber day, a time to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice and the weight of sin that made it necessary. But it’s also a day of deep gratitude, remembering the love that led him to give his life for the world.

We invite you to join us for our Good Friday service on April 18 at 1:00 PM as we gather in prayer, scripture, and reflection to remember Christ’s sacrifice.

Neighbourhood Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 19 @ 10:00am - 12noon

🌸🐰 Join Us for Our 3rd Annual Neighbourhood Easter Egg Hunt! πŸ£πŸŽ‰

Get ready for an egg-straordinary morning of fun at St. Thomas! Bring your basket and your best hunting skills for an epic Easter Egg Hunt, plus Easter crafts, tasty treats, and time to connect with friends and neighbors.

πŸ“… Date: Saturday, April 19
⏰ Hunt begins promptly at 10:00 AM (Don’t be late—eggs go fast!)
πŸ“ Location: St. Thomas Anglican Church (4A Raven Drive)

While we do our best to keep eggs stocked, we can’t guarantee the hunt will last the entire event—so hop on over early! After your little ones have had their fill of Easter chocolate, stick around for crafts, coffee, and cookies.

Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 20 @ 8:00 and 10:00am

Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

Easter Sunday is the day Christians celebrate the amazing event of Jesus rising from the dead. After Jesus was crucified, his body was placed in a tomb, and a large stone was rolled in front to seal it. On Sunday morning, some of his followers went to visit the tomb, only to find it empty—Jesus wasn’t there! Later that day, he appeared to them alive, showing that death had not defeated him.

For Christians, Easter is all about hope, new life, and the victory of love over death. It reminds them that because Jesus rose again, they can have eternal life too. It’s the most joyful and important celebration of the Christian faith!

We invite you to join us for worship on Easter Sunday, April 20, at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the hope he brings to our lives. Come and experience the joy and hope of Easter with us!

The Lord is Risen indeed!  Alleluia!